Conflicting accounts of what happened at the scene of Taeyeon's car accident

Article: [Exclusive interview] Tow truck driver during Taeyeon's car accident, "The victim's claims are a misunderstanding"

Source: YTN via Nate

1. [+964, -160] Of all the people you'd believe, why would you believe the tow truck driver? Just stick him $100 and he'll say whatever you want him to say

2. [+903, -139] What does an interview with the tow truck driver matter? An interview with the taxi driver who was rear-ended would be more accurate... what would a tow truck driver know about the situation?

3. [+802, -113] Was he fed money? There's no way he wouldn't have known she was a celebrity. We just have to check the blackbox.

4. [+84, -16] Tow truck drivers ㅋㅋㅋ 98% of them sly trash, why would we believe him???

5. [+83, -12] We need an interview from the two women who were passengers in the taxi

6. [+72, -15] I doubt the Instagram guy was lying because Taeyeon's reps would've blocked that stuff by now if he was making it up

7. [+67, -15] Sone bugs, go read that Instagram post. The victim never said Taeyeon got on the ambulance, just that the EMT were more concerned over Taeyeon instead of the other victims and not letting them on the ambulance because she had to ride it. They never said that Taeyeon actually got on it so stop making the victim out to be a liar by putting words in his mouth.

8. [+59, -8] Considering the circumstances, Taeyeon's the one at fault here for rear-ending everyone

9. [+56, -6] If you caused people to get injured by causing the car accident, you should be on your knees begging for forgiveness and visiting the victims at the hospital... Maybe she doesn't know how to handle situations like this because she always has her manager around to handle stuff for her.

10. [+41, -4] As if anyone would believe those tow truck thugs. They'll say anything for you as long as you bribe them with cash.


Article: What's the truth between the two SNS claims surrounding Taeyeon's car accident?

Source: Sports Kyunghyang via Nate

1. [+210, -7] Just release the blackbox footage, it's the most accurate

2. [+178, -47] I'm thinking SM bought out the tow truck driver

3. [+152, -14] We'll have to see the blackbox but it's definitely Taeyeon's fault if it's a rear-end...

4. [+13, -3] Why does everyone believe a random SNS post that hasn't even been identified as the actual victim but no one believes the tow truck driver? ㅋㅋㅋ As far as we know, the only thing Taeyeon has done wrong is cause the car accident and cause others harm. Don't start a witch hunt over the other stuff that hasn't been confirmed yet.

5. [+10, -0] I wonder why the victim went from public to private on their SNS

6. [+8, -0] Let's just wait and see


Article: Taeyeon's car accident, accounts of what happened under controversy... victim vs tow truck driver

Source: Star News via Naver

1. [+1,115, -10] Taeyeon never got on the ambulance and she never went to the hospital, the ambulance reps already made an official statement about that, so please stop saying Taeyeon stole their ambulance or only Taeyeon got on the ambulance and give her sh*t over special treatment ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+937, -76] First of all, Taeyeon's at fault for causing the accident but the victim is also at fault for writing on SNS in a state of emotional distress and causing this witch hunt. We will wait and see for the truth to be revealed.

3. [+650, -57] Please don't make judgments after hearing one side of the story

4. [+608, -89] Taeyon's at fault, yes, I acknowledge that, but who will be responsible for all the hate Taeyeon is getting over these rumors caused by the victim's post that hasn't even been verified yet?

5. [+100, -12] I wonder where the OP went and all the people who were supporting them ㅋ


Article: Taeyeon's car accident, an unfortunate mark on her 10 years of clean history

Source: Herald Pop via Nate

1. [+753, -30] Taeyeon has actually had the most controversies in her agency. From putting down nurses to attitude controversies to making fun of fans and now this car accident... what a flashy list

2. [+695, -19] Since when did Taeyeon never have scandals?;;;;

3. [+629, -25] Taeyeon has actually had a lot of scandals

4. [+74, -2] No scandals? What is this article talking about

5. [+56, -2] No scandals? She put up her middle finger on radio, looked down on nurses...

6. [+54, -4] Taeyeon has always been the troublemaker of Soshi. She always put the team on edge and lacked emotional control as the leader, even ostracized Jessica... sometimes talent isn't the only thing that matters.

7. [+46, -0] Taeyeon is nothing if not for her scandals... unless the journalist has alzheimers

8. [+37, -0] Taeyeon has always had the ost scandals out of Soshi. She's constantly been on the chopping block while on that radio show.
